- NEW - Added fireant builder fragment addon to the builder plugin
that invoke fireant builder targets in Package Explorer or editors. See here for details.
All Editor
- DefaultCodeIndentStrategy.smartIndentAfterNewline() now indent */
Makefile Editor
- NEW - CompactFormatAction now differ from FormatAction and eliminate spaces
between '=' or ':=' in variable assignments.
- NEW - Alpha qualify support of include and conditional directives.
- NEW - Now recognize variable assignment with "?=" and "+=".
- FIXED - VarParamState should not recognize target.
- FIXED - Outline page now shows variables refereces in := assignments.
- Other than ASCII, LATIN1 (iso8859) and UTF, all other encodings are treated
as RAW. HTMLEditor format actions now would not escape unicode characters if the input file is
tagged to use UTF or RAW encodings. (HTML meta characters like <, & ... etc are still
escaped at places where they should be escaped).
- FIXED - Numeric escape values.
- NEW - For those not using Eclipse 3.1 yet, there is a
Charset action that set the charset for the active editor. The selected charset is
persisted to the workspace and all charset supported by the Java runtime is supported.
- NEW - ConvertCharSet action convert content of the active editor to
another charset. Any charset supported by the Java runtime is supported.
- History now also keep track of edited files that are external to
- RegexReplace dialog now remember previous size.